Medicinal mud

Health coming from nature

Among the gifts of Nature, in which Nin abounds, ceratainly one of the most valuable is the medicinal mud (peloid), located near the long, sandy Queen's Beach. Its effectiveness has been tested by thousands of people, who organised and supervised by a Zadar Health Institution, have used the mud to treat various ailments such as rheumatic diseases, spinal deformities, muscular and the skeletal system problems, female infertility and various skin diseases for decades. The therapy, which usually lasts from ten to twenty days, involves covering the body with the mud, then sunbathing on the sandy beach, then rinsing off the mud with warm sea water. This is done in the morning during July and August. It is useful and pleasant at the same time. Additional swimming and bathing in the warm shallow sea water really works.

Nin's mud was used as long ago as Roman times. This is evidenced by tegulas - round bricks which were used in spas to carry hot air and are now exhibited in the Museum of Nin Antiquities. But this is by no means all: on the so-called Punta, the Liburnian deity Venus Ansotica from the first century was found, which represents the godess of fertility. The assumption is that in this place there was a spa in the prehistoric era.

Plans to build a modern recreational and tourist centre are based on the mud as a natural resource.
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TZ Nin


In Nin large areas of sandy beaches are spreading up to 8 kilometres. Certainly the most beautiful and best known is the Queen's Beach. The Legend has it that when Croatian king Tomislav would come to Nin on vacation, the Queen would spend most of the time on the beach near the medicinal mud site. One day the king joined her and said: „When we come to Nin this place will be only yours, this is heaven on earth and this is your beach."

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Tourist board Nin
Trg braće Radića 3
23232 Nin

pho: +385 23 264 280


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