Nin among the stars
Nin is a town of long tradition and a glorious past and its natural beauties ensure it a special place in Croatian and European tourism. Not only is Nin a tourist star but also a real celestial star. Namely thanks to astronomers from the Višnjan planetarium in Istria, Damir Marković, whose mother is form Nin, and a friend of his, Korado Korlević, the asteroid which they discovered on the 14th February 1996 under the ordinal number 10,175, their initiative has the name Aenona, the name of the oldest Croatian royal town Nin.
It is not by accident, Aenona is an asteroid whose parametres have been determined so that its existence has also been confirmed by the World's Planetarium Centre, Minor Planet which has its headquarters in the USA. Indeed Nin is a double star-tourist and celestial.
Miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary in Nin
Did you know that in Nin's area the miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary is celebrated for 500 years three times a year: on the day of the Apparition 5th May with the pilgrimage to Our Lady's Island by land and sea; on the actual holiday, the first Monday before the holiday of the Ascension; and on 5th August, Homeland Thanksgiving Day? There are around 20 preserved customs referring to the miraculous apparition.
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