Gastro corner

At the table: Šokol, an authentic speciality

In Nin and its surroundings, there are many restaurants, konobas (taverns), cafés and other hospitality places where the visitor can enjoy the delights of excellent food and wine. No matter whether you choose tasty Mediterranean food dressed with local olive oil or perhaps a speciality from the nearby Nin hinterland, it will be an authentic cuisine from this area enriched by other specialities from other parts of Croatia. If you would really like to try a well known Nin speciality, we suggest you try „šokol“ a dried meat product made from neck of pork conserved in pure sea salt and seasoning. It is given its recognisable taste by a completely unique ‘ingredient’ that is, the real Nin „bura“ (north-easterly wind) which carries with it mountain air enriched with the scents and herbs from Velebit, mixed with the sea air. A competition is dedicated to this speciality called „Ninska šokolijad“, (Šokol Festival) in which the aim is to retain the traditional of šokol’s preparation and also to offer the enjoyment of this recognisable product to guests themselves. Enjoy it!

TZ Nin
TZ Nin

Buffet ''Erona''
Robert Brtan

Trg Kraljevac
23232 Nin

Mob: 0994496541

TZ Nin

Burger & pizza bar "Mad duck"

Branimirova ulica 14
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 99 604 8588
TZ Nin

Caffe bar ''Barcode''
Ivan Ljubičić

Put Spila 4
23232 Nin

Tel: +385 99 409 3839

TZ Nin

Caffe bar ''Porat''
Marin Pijaca

Hrvatskog Sabora 3
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 91 661 7071

TZ Nin

Candy treasure

Branimirova ulica 12
23232 Nin

TZ Nin

Confectionery ''Caramela''
Sehad Abduli

Branimirova ulica 5
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 98 167 0202

TZ Nin

confectionery ''Grgur''
Bafti Abdulai

Branimirova ulica
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 95 889 6286

TZ Nin

DeSalt street food & bar

Zadarska ulica 1
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 98 888 585

TZ Nin

Konoba "Sentimenti"

Branimirova ulica 17
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 95 512 1305

TZ Nin

Pizzeria ''Za kvarat ure''

Zadarska ulica 8
23232 Nin

Tel: +385 23 264 724

TZ Nin

Pizzeria & Spaghetteria „Big Blue“
Šime Magaš

Trg Kraljevac 9
23232 Nin

TZ Nin

Restaurant ''Aenona''
Veljko Šalov

Petra Zoranića 2
23232 Nin

Tel: +385 23 265 004

TZ Nin

Restaurant ''Burela''
Domagoj Burela

Trg braće Radić 2
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 98 610 085
Tel: +385 23 265 064
TZ Nin

Restaurant ''Tomislav''
Tomislav Magaš

Ulica sv. Mihovila 5
23232 Nin

Tel: +385 23 264 051

TZ Nin

Tavern ''Dalmacija''
Marko Šalov

Zrinsko-Frankopanska 4
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 98 428 103
Tel: +385 23 264 163
TZ Nin

Tavern ''Erona''
Robert Brtan

Višeslavov trg 2
23232 Nin

Mob: 0994496541

TZ Nin

Trattoria ''Peperoni''
Oleg Glavan

Zvonimirova ulica 5
23232 Nin

Mob: +385 98 875 693

TZ Nin
TZ Nin


TZ Nin

Church of st. Nicholas

Did you know that a widely known symbol of Nin is the Romanesque church of St. Nicholas from 11th/12th century, built on a hummock and also used as the coronation church? National folk legend has it that in Nin seven kings were crowned, and during the coronation, accompanied by a magnificent escort, the crowned ruler would ride to the Church of St. Nicholas where he was presented to the people. From that hummock, as a sign of his royal power, he would strike a sword to all four cardinal points.

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TZ Nin


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Tourist board Nin
Trg braće Radića 3
23232 Nin

pho: +385 23 264 280


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