TZ Nin
TZ Nin

Private accommodation

Nin, along with the tourist places of Grbe and Ninski Stanovi, which also belong to the district of Nin, warmly await guests offering them very nicely equipped private apartments and holiday homes.

Alić Ibro

Alić Ibro

Put Jablanja 38
23232 Nin

TZ Nin
TZ Nin


TZ Nin

Miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary in Nin

Did you know that in Nin's area the miraculous apparition of the Virgin Mary is celebrated for 500 years three times a year: on the day of the Apparition 5th May with the pilgrimage to Our Lady's Island by land and sea; on the actual holiday, the first Monday before the holiday of the Ascension; and on 5th August, Homeland Thanksgiving Day? There are around 20 preserved customs referring to the miraculous apparition.

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TZ Nin


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Tourist board Nin
Trg braće Radića 3
23232 Nin

pho: +385 23 264 280


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