Private accommodationNin, along with the tourist places of Grbe and Ninski Stanovi, which also belong to the district of Nin, warmly await guests offering them very nicely equipped private apartments and holiday homes. APARTMANI MIRA, Vl. Glavan Nediljko Vukovarska ulica 4 23232 Nin Mob: +385 98 46 53 27 Tel: +385 23 265 036 APARTMANI MORE, Bakić Ivica Put sv. Jakova 20 23232 Nin Mob: +385 91 30 21 346; +385 91 76 45 477;; Apartmani Queen Beach Resort Petrinjska 2A, Ninske Vodice 23232 Nin booking@riviera-properties-hr APARTMANI RAVLIĆ, Ravlić Mara Kninska 7 23232 Nin Mob: + 385 91 797 5878 Tel: 023 700 517 APARTMANI SEMREN, Semren Dominique Lička ulica 4 23232 Nin Mob: + 385 91 95 73 111 Tel: + 385 23 264 414, +336 08 095 425 APARTMANI TOME, Pekić Tome Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV., br.4 23232 Nin Mob: + 385 98 48 96 54 Tel: + 385 23 264 068 |
CuriositiesNatural botanic garden at Queen’s beach Did you know that the longest sandy beach in Croatia (3 km) is Queen's Beach in Nin? According to the biologists, near this the most famous and beautiful beach in Nin, the nature created natural botanic garden with 4 NATURA 2000 habitats. |